Shinichi Suzuki"Where love is deep,
much can be accomplished." |
was born in 1898 in Nagoya, Japan. His parents owned a violin factory, though he himself did not receive musical training. At one point he heard a recording of Mischa Elman playing the violin, and was so moved by its beauty he set out to teach himself to do the same thing, learning to play the violin by listening to and mimicking the sounds heard.
Mother Tongue Approach |
Dr. Suzuki had noticed in Germany that despite his own difficulties learning the language as an adult, the German children all spoke it fluently with ease. And observing that all children in all countries learn to speak naturally by hearing and repeating sounds and receiving enthusiastic encouragement, he applied this “Mother Tongue” principle to the teaching of music.
鈴木教學法 |
源自於日本的「鈴木教學法」主張音樂像學習母語一樣,孩子學習的順序應跟從「聽、說、讀、寫」的次序,先讓學生從「聽」進入音樂的世界,再在指導下憑記憶把樂曲在樂器上「說」出,直到掌握演奏技巧才識譜。 所以,「鈴木教學法」下的學生擁有極佳的耳朵,音感和辨別音色的能力都會特別強。